MTuner main toolbar
Below you can find the brief explanation of functionality for each of the main toolbar buttons:
Open capture (*.MTuner)
Opens a captured file. Capture files (*.MTuner) are recorded during profiling and contain all the data needed for analysis.
Manage projects
Opens a project management dialog. Projects are sets of executable, working directory and command line options. For more information visit manage projects page.
Debug symbol sources setting
Opens a dialog used to setup PDB symbol servers. The debug symbols page provides details on how to setup symbol servers.
Toggle filtering mode
This button toggles the state of filtering (enabled/disabled). For more information on filtering visit the filtering page.
Toggle timeline graph visibility
This button hides/shows the window with the timeline of memory usage. Detailed explanation of the timeline can be found on memory timeline page.
Toggle heaps / allocators visibility
This button hides/shows the heaps / allocators window.
Toggle histogram visibility
This button hides/shows the histogram window.
Toggle tag tree visibility
This button hides/shows the tag tree window.
Toggle stack trace and source visibility
This button hides/shows the window with stack trace and source code view. Read more about it on stack trace and source page.