Project structure

Here is the layout of files in build project:

📂 build
  📂 3rd
     📄 assimp.lua
     📄 bgfx.lua
     📄 ...
  📂 data
  📂 deploy
     📂 android
     📂 durango
     📂 ..
  📂 img
  📂 tools
     📂 src
        📂 imageconv
        📂 txt2cs
     📂 bin
        📂 darwin
        📂 linux
        📂 windows
  📄 buid.lua

Below is the explanation of what each part of the project does:

  • build/root directory
    Bulk of code is located here along with all project scripts.

  • 3rd
    Here we have scripts used to build popular 3rd party libraries, along with their specific additional configurations.

  • data
    WIP: this will be a place for asset build system scripts

  • deploy
    Per platform deployment files, accomodating specifics of any targetted platform.

  • tools
    Binaries and source code for tools used by build.